Why is change so difficult?In this webinar, we will discuss the impact change has on leadership and staff and highlight the issues that arise when managing transition from the ‘old to the new’. The webinar is intentionally short, to allow busy leaders to participate. Past webinar•15 minutesWatch now
Professor Meihana Durie | Ngā Tai Pikitū: Navigating Māori Educational FuturesHe whakatakoto whakaaro tēnei wāhanga mō ngā take nui e whai pānga ana ki ngā huarahi ako me ngā wānanga hei whakatupu i te mātauranga mō te hunga taiohi me ngā rangatahi Māori hei te ngahuru tau e tū mai nei. Recorded at Hui ā-Tau 2023.Past webinar•38 minsWatch now
NCEA Te Reo Māori 1.2This webinar unpacks the NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Māori Standard - Te whakapuaki whakaaro e pā ana ki tētahi horopaki e ora nei te reo.Past webinar•13 minutesWatch now
Waldo Houia | Taku Reo MāoriHe kōrero mō ngā haerenga o Waldo i roto i te ao me te reo Māori. Recorded at Hui ā-Tau 2022.Past webinar•45 MinutesWatch now