PCT Online Support Programme: Induction and Mentoring - An Overview• Increase your knowledge and understanding of induction and mentoring • understand your role as a PCT • understand your role as a mentor Past webinar•45 minutesWatch now
Beginner te reo Māori - Session 2This is series two of four short webinars for beginner speakers of te reo Māori.Past webinarWatch now
Kiritina Johnstone | Learning Te Reo Māori Across the Early Learning and Schooling SectorsThis presentation outlines what the public service and specifically the Ministry of Education is doing to contribute to achieving the Crown's Maihi Karauna goal of having 1,000,000 speakers of te reo Māori by 2040. Recorded at Hui ā-Tau 2022.Past webinar•41 MinutesWatch now
Parani Te Moana-Foai and Pānia Matthews | Te Takanga o Te Wā i roto i Te Marautanga o AotearoaRecorded at Hui ā-Tau 2021.Past webinar•19 MinutesWatch now