Kia Wana te Ako - Christchurch
10 Jun 2025 - 11 Jun 2025
A two-day workshop designed for kaiako who want to strengthen their teaching practice of reo ā-waha and reo ā-tā, including vocabulary development. Participants are expected to attend the workshop closest to their location.
A two-day workshop designed for kaiako who want to strengthen their teaching practice of reo ā-waha and reo ā-tā, including vocabulary development. Participants are expected to attend the workshop closest to their location.
It is recommended that kaiako attend BOTH workshop days. However, kaiako can choose to attend either day 1 or day 2. Reo ā-Waha will be the focus on day 1, and Reo ā-Tā on day 2. Day 2 - Reo ā-Tā strategies require ākonga to be reading and writing independently. Day 2 content is mostly suitable for kaiako teaching at intermediate and secondary/wharekura levels.
Upcoming course