The Essentials of Planning: The Planning Process in a NutshellIn this webinar, participants will be ‘stepped-through’ the planning process.Past webinar•15 minutesWatch now
Tīkarohia ngā Whetū – Managing Kura: Employment in SchoolsThis leadership webinar is the second in a series titled Tīkarohia ngā Whetū – Managing Kura that look at different aspects of School Management.Past webinar•60 minutesWatch now
Kia Wana te Ako: Tuhituhi Kia Ako #2Language teaching strategies to strengthen ākonga writing in te reo Māori is the focus of this akoranga.Past webinar•30 minutesWatch now
Ngākau Harris-Peke | Pare Kore Practices Guided by Hine-Te-IwaiwaThis session focuses on how Para Kore embeds te reo Māori in our wānanga, particularly in our ikura (menstrual cycle) wānanga, which Hine-te-iwaiwa guides. Recorded at Hui ā-Tau 2022.Past webinar•19 MinutesWatch now