The Essentials of Planning: Creating Specific Learning Outcomesin this webinar, participants will learn how to breakdown achievement objectives and whāinga paetae in order to create specific learning outcomes.Past webinar•15 minutesWatch now
Kia Māori Te Reo MāoriKia Māori te reo Māori focuses on the use of particular aspects of te reo Māori to exemplify the difference between ‘thinking in Māori but writing in English’ and ‘thinking and writing in Māori.Past webinar•60 minutesWatch now
Parekura Rohe-Belmont | E Ora Ai Te Reo, Me HakaKo te haka tētahi o ngā huarahi mō te oranga tonutanga o te reo Māori - E ngākaunui ana te hunga rangatahi ki te haka, hāunga anō pea te reo. Recorded at Hui ā-Tau 2022.Past webinar•22 MinutesWatch now