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Pāngarau Workshop (Teaching the Teachers the Maths) upcoming Course

18th March - 19th March Enrolments close 12th March Auckland This two-day course is designed to strengthen kaiako understanding and teaching of Pāngarau. The content of the course is aligned to the concepts, ideas, strategies, and skills outlined in each of the five tūārere (phases of learning) of the redesigned Pāngarau wāhanga ako. Suitable for all kaiako teaching Pāngarau, whether in kura tuatahi, kura waenga, or wharekura. It is particularly suitable for kaiako who want to ‘understand the pāngarau’ they are teaching and looking to improve the pāngarau learning experiences of their ākonga.

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Pangarau CO March2025

This two-day course is designed to strengthen kaiako understanding and teaching of Pāngarau. The content of the course is aligned to the concepts, ideas, strategies, and skills outlined in each of the five tūārere (phases of learning) of the redesigned Pāngarau wāhanga ako. Suitable for all kaiako teaching Pāngarau, whether in kura tuatahi, kura waenga, or wharekura. It is particularly suitable for kaiako who want to ‘understand the pāngarau’ they are teaching and looking to improve the pāngarau learning experiences of their ākonga.

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