PCT Online Support Programme: Induction and Mentoring - An Overview• Increase your knowledge and understanding of induction and mentoring • understand your role as a PCT • understand your role as a mentor Past webinar•45 minutesWatch now
PCT Online Support - Code of Conduct & Standards for the Teaching Profession• Increase your knowledge and understanding of the Code of Conduct & The Standards for the Teaching Profession • Better understand how I demonstrate my understanding of these through my daily programmePast webinar•45 minutesWatch now
PCT Online Support: Goal Setting & Planning for Professional Learning• Increase your knowledge and understanding of the Professional Growth Cycle • Confirm your professional goals • Create a plan for your professional learning and development Past webinar•45 minutesWatch now
PCT Online Support - Curating Evidence & Portfolios• Increase your knowledge and understanding of what good evidence is • Become the curator of your professional evidence • Create, or review, your portfolio Past webinar•15 minutesWatch now
PCT Online Support - Being a Reflective Practitioner• Increase your knowledge and understanding of what good feedback is • Normalising reflection as part of your teaching practice • Using feedback and reflections to plan Past webinar•15Watch now
PCT Support WebinarThe final PCT support webinar for 2023. This webinar is replacing the face-to-face hui that had to be cancelled in October. Time: 9am to 2pm. Past webinar•5 hoursWatch now
PCT - Induction and MentoringLearning outcomes for this hui are to gain a better understanding of induction and mentoring in general, to know the fundamentals of a robust induction and mentoring programme.Past webinar•45 MinutesWatch now