Sarah Sharpe | Poipoia te Pitomata - Nurturing NeurodiversityNurturing Neurodiversity by Sarah Sharpe at Poipoia te Pitomata | Diverse Learners Symposium 2023Past webinar•48 minutesWatch now
Te Reo Māori - Support for AssessmentKaiako will have the opportunity to learn what support resources and tools are available, where to find them, and how the materials could be used to support them to assess student evidence for NCEA.Past webinar•60 minutesWatch now
PCT Online Support Programme: Induction and Mentoring - An Overview• Increase your knowledge and understanding of induction and mentoring • understand your role as a PCT • understand your role as a mentor Past webinar•45 minutesWatch now
Parekura Rohe-Belmont | E Ora Ai Te Reo, Me HakaKo te haka tētahi o ngā huarahi mō te oranga tonutanga o te reo Māori - E ngākaunui ana te hunga rangatahi ki te haka, hāunga anō pea te reo. Recorded at Hui ā-Tau 2022.Past webinar•22 MinutesWatch now