Nichole Gully | ARITUMO - Supersizing Reo AcquisitionARITUMO is a framework to guide and supersize the teaching and learning of te reo Māori in order that you avoid all the pitfalls and potholes of the Ako Reo Pathway. Recorded at Hui ā-Tau 2022.Past webinar•41 MinutesWatch now
Beth Dixon & Rauhina Cooper | Ngā Momo Tūmahi o te Reo MāoriHow many different types of verbs are there in the Māori language? Why do some of them take 'i' and others take 'ki'? Recorded at Hui ā-Tau 2023.Past webinar•33 minsWatch now
Kia Wana te Ako: Tuhituhi Kia Ako #2Language teaching strategies to strengthen ākonga writing in te reo Māori is the focus of this akoranga.Past webinar•30 minutesWatch now
Sian Montgomery-Neutze | Te Reo ToiThis session looks at Toi literacy within te ao Māori. Recorded at Hui ā-Tau 2022.Past webinar•24 MinutesWatch now