Ahana? Mō Te Wiki o te Reo Māori?
Mō te tuups kāore anō kia rite, kei a Ako Panuku tō tuarā!

With each new generation, te reo Māori evolves, proving it's a language that's always alive and kicking - 'AKE, AKE, AKE - A FOREVER LANGUAGE'. To celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024, Ako Panuku is exploring 'te reo o te rangatahi'.

We welcome back our kuia, Tō and Muri, and their mokopuna, Timi, as well as his younger sister, Tia, who will take us through each day of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, dropping fresh lingo and fun dialogue in various situations. 

We invite you to get into 'te reo o te rangatahi' by tackling various activities designed to keep you and your ākonga entertained in the classroom.

To help you prepare, we're releasing the full set of resources a week in advance. 'View resources' to start exploring. It's gonna be a vibe, less goo!
07 308 6322 | akopanuku@haemata.co.nz | © Copyright 2024 Haemata. All rights reserved. 
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